“How old is too young for girls to start worrying about body image?”
I can tell you this (from my own experience). Many girls around the third grade will start “dieting”. Many more will start by 4th and 5th grade (usually coincides with pre-puberty changes that I feel they don’t quite yet accept or understand). When I was a kid, we usually became “figure conscience” by late middle school. We definitely started trying to change/alter our appearance by Freshman year in High School.
The pressure on little girls flies directly against medical advice. My pediatrician told us that NO child should diet until puberty has been reached. (diet defined by limiting calories). It is unhealthy and causes way more issues (medically and psychologically) than any good results. That being said, little girls can be educated about health and healthy food choices. They can have good snacks offered and they certainly can exercise. Junk like cookies, brownies, etc... can be a once a week “treat” and a banana or an apple can be offered at any time one is hungry. Just a thought.
I agree dieting is ridiculous for kids. Maybe in their late teens. The important thing is to eat well and stay active.
Yes. When I was a kid, if I was hungry, Grandma would point to the bowl of apples or cherry tomatoes on the table. If I said “I’m not hungry for THAT,” she’d say “Then you’re not hungry.”