He has said why. It’s easy to find his quotes.
He’s also said it was a mistake and he realized he needed to heed the people of Texas, who made it clear they wouldn’t accept it.
Now I ask you this: if Rick Perry had understood ahead of his decision on guardasil vaccinations that the people would utterly reject the plan, would he have still written the executive order to do it?
Of course he would never have written it. Which is clear, unequivocal evidence that it was not Merck ruling the day, but it was the people ruling the day. To Perry’s everlasting embarrassment, he failed to anticipate the reaction. Had he seen that one coming, of course he never would’ve done it.
He would love to have that hanging curve ball back...
But you’re practically admitting that Perry has no ability to take the lead on a moral issue.
A Governor or a President need to be able to do this. It’s why their moral character counts so much in an election.
Perry should have known immediately, in his heart, that it was wrong.