“Ron Paul stated he supports all tax rebates (anything to give more money back to the people), including public spending in his district via earmarks. After all, it is their money.”
Public spending on crap is not giving back money to anyone. That attitude is Marxist.
Neil Cavuto is Katie Couric ? Really ?
>>>Public spending on crap is not giving back money to anyone. That attitude is Marxist.<<<
You are totally missing the point (I am almost beginning to belive it intentional). Labeling him Marxist is just plain stupid. Their is no other possible explanation, unless you are a liar, and I will call you a liar if I catch you in one. For now I will assume you are just dumber than dirt.
Read carefully: Ron Paul wants all unconstitional spending eliminated. He has not voted for any federal budget for years (maybe even decades). But he is just one voice, and the spending goes on, with our without him. His constituents help pay for all that spending, and he wants them to get as much back as possible. So he earmarks. THE MONEY IS ALREADY BUDGETED! So his earmarks do not add a single penny to the budget! Jeesh! Dense...
>>>Neil Cavuto is Katie Couric? Really?<<<
He certainly interviews like her. You know the type, false premises, cut them off before they can complete their thoughts, and act very arrogant and condescending toward them. Yep, I would say he is a Katie Couric wannabe.