I’ve testified with and babysat for Terri at the Capitol. (in fact, we testified with Robert Morrow against expansion of toll roads one night last spring. Talk about your strange coalitions!) However, she’s more than a bit overboard, here.
That’s not the first time, though. She attacked Frank Corte in the primary although Frank, a Marine, is one the staunchest conservatives and the author of most pro life legislation that’s passed in the past decade.
The fact that Governor Perry or any other politician defends life and the family means nothing to her. She forgets the priority of life and liberty when she cheers and aides pro-abort, pro-embryonic stem cell, ‘comprehensive sex ed Reps Fisher-Martinez and Farrar on her web page, endorsing them because of Toll roads!
Public private partnerships, combined with the passage of our SB18, protecting Texans from illicit eminent domain takings, are not inherently bad.
This ‘agenda 21’ claim is over the top. Makes me concerned that her completely baseless claims that Perry and Corte are in it for the money and power is a case of pure projection.
Public private partnerships are corporatist fascism. They are bad bad bad through and through.
Lots of posts on this website will show you why, but any American citizen who took a real civics class should know without being told.