Thanks but no thanks yourself, because I neither want or need to pimp my site here.
You are starting to piss me off.
People have been linking my blog postings here without my permission for months, and when I finally follow the links back to see where the his are coming from, you get smart ass when I post one little link.
If that is the way you people are, then you had better figure out a way to get people to stop linking my blog to this chat box.
Because believe me, I can be a bigger ass than you.
I never heard of this site before two days ago and could give a rip less about your rules, or if I ever come back here again.
Get over yourself
havin read every post to this point, I’m confused as to whether I wanna kick your ass first or Matthews ass first
you say you have been here now only a couple days and somehow it is you who makes the rules
You're problem, not mine. Stuff it.
Congrats, you win-YOU ARE A BIGGER ASS THAN ANYONE HERE. I've never heard of your blog or seen it linked by anyone. You are a two bit pimp with nothing to sell. Time for you to KMA and go far away.