I find nothing wrong with referring to the down grade as the “Tea Party Down Grade” because it is exactly what the Tea Party predicted if debt and spending weren’t drastically cut.
The downgrade is EXACTLY what Obama and Crew said would NOT happen if only Boehner and the boys would go along with raising the “debt ceiling”. Boehner and the boys were scared. OF WHAT?! The election in November was about stopping Obama’s antics and reckless spending of money WE DO NOT HAVE. The Tea Party members of Congress (for the most part) knew this. Obama said, “Don’t call my bluff!” - He acknowledged that he was BLUFFING!! - S&P said it, CUT, CAP & BALANCE! The House passed CUT, CAP & BALANCE; but it was not even discussed by the vaunted Senate.
Grow up, Boehner! Quit blubbering about how successful YOU’VE BEEN, golfing with the traitor-in-chief, and selling us out!!