There's no wanting. It's been a done deal for years. Yes, you and I know that but too many here refuse to see the truth.
Rick Perry also wanted a Trans-Texas Corridor that was to import more from Mexico which was temporarily defeated. He’s a Mexican appeaser.
We also should have been defending our own borders instead of rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ll never know the hundreds of billions that these illegals have cost us. It could have been ended and reversed immediately by simply having a round up and prosecuting and imprisoning the 50 CEOs of the biggest illegal employers. Then repeat it in another week.
It makes me ill when I think of thousands of KIA and wounded service men that these wars have cost us not to mention the trillions they cost while the borders are open. We should have been focusing the War on Terror on the growing violent gangs in the USA. It’s time to pay attention to the USA and quit playing policemen of the world. Let these other countries and NATO either contribute their share to our defense budget or do it on their own.