Please stop ignoring what is direct evidence of fraud at the highest levels of government. Please get on with your life and stop ignoring what is such an obvious display of outright lies, fraud, deceit and criminality on the part of the Democrat Party and Barak Obama himself. Please!
In reality, the folks dwelling excessively on the OCR issue were the ANTIOBOTS who were seeking to prove this electronically created document was fake.
So, who ya gonna believe ~ your OBOTS or ANTIOBOTS?
My first post on the matter said what we were given to see was an electronically created document ~ just like all the others we get to see these days ~ that drew on several data base elements ~ including RUBBER STAMP IMAGES and PHOTOGRAPHS OF ORIGINAL MANUALLY TYPED PIECES OF PAPER.
So a discovery that it was an electronically created document proves............ what? That I was right ~ that it was an electronically created document!
Yeah, that's the ticket ~ it's a trick with computers and crafty technicians who can create anything you want electronically, and then print it out in 7 million colors at any scale preferred on any sort of paper!
I saw a picture at work about a decade ago that attracted quite a bit of interest. There was Hillary Clinton and the Pope had his arm around her with his hand down there on her quite heafty rump.
I know it was real ~ it was a photo!! You can't fake photos FUR SHUR (/s)