Perhaps she was too busy earning a living and going to school in Seattle during 1961, and couldn’t afford film? I know it would be hard for me to work film (and a camera if she didn’t already own one) into the budget were I her. I don’t put much significance into a lack of baby pictures during this time of her life.
Lame....her parents had a camera, we know that for a fact. Too busy and too poor to take photos of her first born? That is just ridiculous since we know they had cameras because there are other photos around that same time.
How do you know the parents had a Camera? (August of 1961) Even so, that doesn't mean SHE had a Camera. As for taking photos of her first born, if the story is true that Stanley Ann left Hawaii shortly after he was born, I suspect this is doubtlessly due to a massive argument caused by her parents realizing her child was black. I really don't see white people raised in 1920s Kansas as being okey dokey with Interracial pregnancy, especially that of their Daughter. "Miscegenation" was a felony crime in Many states prior to 1967. Madelyn Dunham's coworkers said she never even told them she had a Grandchild. This is the behavior of one who is ashamed, and is not consistent with the behavior of most Grandparents who would tell everyone they knew of the birth of their Grandchildren. Contemplate the possibility that the Grandparents were not okay with it at first and didn't want pictures. (Eventually they came to be at peace with it.)
That is just ridiculous since we know they had cameras because there are other photos around that same time.
See above, and consider the zeitgeist. I think the parents were really NOT okay with it at first.