Here’s a hint. His lips were moving, he’s lying.
Ahh, the “everything to everyone” 0bama!
Where’s the Beef! Show us the plan Barry.
As a reporter asked him the other day, “Name one program you’re willing to cut.”
The devil is in the details. The deal he wants is for him to be able to make those cuts AFTER the 2012 election.
That means all bets are off once he gets re-elected. He knows he can agree to anything now and then weasel out of it in the future.
I'm sure his definitions of 'balanced' and 'significant' differ from most of ours. Election time is coming up. He needs a bounce, and I would suggest that he is cynically portraying himself as statesman.
When the time comes, he and his media whores will trumpet his noble effort; alas, the Republicans ruined everything.
Democrats lie to get more of your money to spend to buy votes from the Gimme Class that they depend on for re-election.
They lied to Pres. Reagan in a budget deal that required spending cuts. They lied to Bush I in a budget deal that required spending cuts. And the Democrats and BO certainly will not cut spending to prop up their union/welfare base, no matter what they promise now.
The GOP cannot make deals with lying Democrats and tell us that spending will be cut some time in the distant future. If they do, they should be thrown out of office for being too gullible to lead.
He is not specific on spending cuts, and then the proposal to cut spending is generally over the next 10 years, so the actual current year cuts are very small.
So in future years spending cuts can be restored or they can create new spending.
Just another Democrat political game!
How can you trust Zero when he can’t even remember his birthday and his birth certificate is a forgery?
Let me guess, that drop in percent of GDP doesn’t happen until Barry is years removed from any actual budgets.
I saw it. It was right next to his birth certificate.
Just ribbing you bub.
He is still starting new agencies.
You don’t cut back by starting new government agencies.
Analytical errors:
You assumed Obama was using the same yard stick you provided.
The economically illiterate invent yardsticks, convenient to their agenda.
(and they’re elastic, so as to be immune from objective analysis.)
He is lying. He is stuck on tax increases and is still butthurt after the Bush tax cuts were extended. I believe he thinks the best way to win back his fading supporters is to run this class warfare crap. He is locked on tax increases for the “rich”.
However, this IS an astounding turnabout by the stain's teleprompter.