I had a friend and he adopted his step daughter. Once adopted, her name was then officially changed. Situation was much like Mugabi Obamas. Biological father was AWOL.
I have read your posts before, and think you correct.
I think something happened in Indonesia that caused an emergency, and he became a refugee. Maybe some one saw him dragging his adopted sister by the rope, as he was fond to do? Maybe he was caught with his Tranny baby sitter? They say the other kids threw rocks at him. Kids have a way of ostracizing kids that fail to exhibit normal behavior. Tossing rocks at little Barry probably became an accepted behavior in the town. /p>
LOL! Yep, you got it now. I like how you think.
Also, Sven has been stating for years now about his fact/theory on why the Social Security state for Bammy Barrock.