Question for the group —
I get tons of Spam from ‘online pharmacies’ which promise cheap prices, and none of that ‘prescription’ nonsense...
Does anyone have any experience with these, or similar, and can point me to one that’s reasonably reputable and reliable??
My situation is that I get my meds from/through the VA, and their system is set up to deliver only what’s needed, when needed - with no provision for ‘emergency stocks’... (I’ve pointed out the FEMA guidelines to the pharmacists at the VA, and they just shrug...)
So, if I want to build up an emergency stock of my necessary meds (cardiac and COPD), I’ll have to get them ‘on the economy’, which would require my Primary Care provider to write me scrips, and she, being a good VA functionary, is reluctant to do so...
So I’m thinking that I am probably going to have to go to ‘alternate sources’, and that’s why I’m asking y’all for advice on a starting place, rather than relying on trial-and-error...
Call your doc have him/her call in a 1 month to however many months you can afford and pay out of pocket. That’s what I did for my daughters seizure meds. You just have to do the best you can and pray. God will take care of the rest.
Your “doctor, being a good VA functionary” That line
reminds me of Wesley J Smith’s recent post on his
“First Things” blog (Second Hand Smoke). “the devolution
of medicine from a learned and altruistic profession into
a mere technocracy” ... the switch from “professionals”
to “providers”. Nota bene, WJS is entirely opposed to any
plan that would forbid people from spending their own money
(or the voluntary contributions of others) for medical
care outside the “guidelines”.
Depending on what exactly it is you need, farming supply stores will often have them, no prescriptions needed. I’d suggest getting a pill crusher and a scale, though. The tetracycline might come in bigger doses than you want :p