Imagine that, hard working farmers catch a break while government workers continue to outpace the rest of the nation in pay and benefits, progressive parasites receive welfare funding of every type, and unions get their retirement paid. It is beyond me to understand how freepers will attack working farmers for catching a tax break while 44 million progs get food stamps, and 48% of progs pay no federal income tax. Keep in mind, the liberals hate giving any tax breaks to farmers too.
freepers will attack working farmers
i have NEVER seen a freeper attack a working farmer.
only for getting paid for NOT growing, or for ethanol which is utterly insane for many many reasons.
there is a GLOBAL food shortage. making inefficient “gas-lite” while people stave, is pretty close to evil.
especially when it doesn’t accomplish ANY of the stated goals for it, from EITHER side.
right now, Farmers do quite well in a free market.
(and likely to continue, as the world continues to get colder for the next 20-30 years)
but, if food prices fall, i’d MUCH prefer to give direct subsidies to farmers, than for any of the current idiotic programs the Founding Fathers somehow missed...