Posted on 06/12/2011 4:07:39 PM PDT by Nachum
See, it’s all in where you shop.
Good point. Many Americans are growing tired of their Celebrity In Chief. I have the feeling that Obama’s days in the White House are numbered.
I'm not sure about Arabic. The biggest cluster of Arabic speakers on Earth is in Egypt so they kind of dictate ideomatic expressions ~ so I'll guess that the Imam, if he was explaining the Koran, actually did so in "historic present".
Professor Jwadeh at Indiana University regularly did that when discussing the 7th Century ~ so it's possible the Imam wasn't justifying selling female sex slaves in modern times ~ there, in fact, being no such markets in Egypt at the moment.
Obama, since he was born of a Muslim father, was born a Muslim by Islamic law.
There is no doubt he is STILL a Muslim.
Just a few quotes from his speeches:
Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.
Barack Hussein Obama
it is important for Western countries to avoid impeding Muslim citizens from practicing religion as they see fit
Barack Hussein Obama
We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over so many centuries to shape the world for the better, including my own country.
Barack Hussein Obama
The contribution of Muslims to the United States are too long to catalog because Muslims are so interwoven into the fabric of our communities and our country
Barack Hussein Obama
I have lived in a Muslim-majority country... I know, because I am one of them.
Barack Hussein Obama
As a student of history, I also know civilizations debt to Islam.
Barack Hussein Obama
Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.
Barack Hussein Obama
And since our founding, American Muslims have enriched the United States.
Barack Hussein Obama
And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.
Barack Hussein Obama
Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice ones religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. That is why the U.S. government has gone to court to protect the right of women and girls to wear the hijab, and to punish those who would deny it.
Barack Hussein Obama
We are not nor have we even been at war with Islam
Barack Hussein Obama
This is what the Marxist/Muslim
has done with American tax dollars while
Americans lose their jobs and homes-
and as he prepares to stick Americans with
the highest tax in history!
Obamas 2009 Supplemental Appropriations for Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Pandemic Flu was revised and passed by the full committee.
It gives billions
of U.S. taxpayer dollars to countries and entities that support Sharia law and/or harbor, hide and support those who want to destroy the U.S. and our allies.
Read the summary from David Obeys office that was quietly released last week with nary a word from any media.
$3.6 billion, matching the request, to expand and improve capabilities of the Afghan security forces
$400 million, as requested, to build the counterinsurgency capabilities of the Pakistani security forces
Afghanistan: $1.52 billion, $86 million above the request
West Bank and Gaza: $665 million in bilateral economic, humanitarian, and security assistance for the West Bank and Gaza
Jordan: $250 million, $250 million above the request, including $100 million for economic and $150 million for security assistance
Egypt: $360 million, $310 million above the request, including $50 million for economic assistance, $50 million for border security, and $260 million for security assistance
Pakistan: $1.9 billion, $591 million above the request
Iraq: $968 million, $336 million above the request
Oversight: $20 million, $13 million above the request, to expand oversight capacity of the State Department, USAID, and the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan to review programs in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq
Lebanon: $74 million
International Food Assistance: $500 million, $200 million above the request, for PL 480 international food assistance to alleviate suffering during the global economic crisis
Refugee Assistance: $343 million, $50 million above the request,
including humanitarian assistance for Gaza. Funding for the UN Relief and Works Agency programs in the West Bank and Gaza is limited to $119 million (Note: Gaza = Hamas)
Disaster Assistance: $200 million to avert famines and provide life-saving assistance during natural disasters and for internally displaced people around the world, including Somalia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, the Middle East and South Asia
Peacekeeping: $837 million for United Nations peacekeeping operations, including an expanded mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a new mission in Chad and the Central African Republic
Department of Justice: $17 million, matching the request, for counter-terrorism activities and to provide training and assistance for the Iraqi criminal justice system
The mainstream media remains silent on this but the International News has now picked up the story
and then there is Obamas $108 billion IMF bailout scheme
in addition to the Supplemental.
And THIS is what Obama is doing to American taxpayers:
PDF Version:
Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world
According to the Associated Press, the Obama administration will give away nearly $6 million of American tax dollars to restore 63 historic and cultural sites, including Islamic mosques and minarets, in 55 nations. See the State Department document here.
Audacity of Hope: LOLO (Obamas step father) FOLLOWED ISLAM....I LOOKED TO LOLO FOR GUIDANCE.
From The Audacity Of Hope, I WILL STAND WITH THEM (MUSLIMS) SHOULD THE POLITICAL WINDS OF WAR SHIFT IN AN UGLY DIRECTION.. m/a-536474~_Trapped_between_two_worlds_.html?cid=dc-article-obama
0bamas hidden records:
Why are these off limits?
Why has he paid out millions to lawyers
to keep all this hidden???
1 Certified copy of original birth certificate
2 Columbia University transcripts
3 Columbia thesis paper
4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups
5 Harvard University transcripts
6 Illinois State Senate records
7 Illinois State Senate schedule
8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary
9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother
10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)
11 Occidental College Transcripts
12 Parents marriage Certificate
13 Record of baptism
14 Selective Service registration records
(Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?
This supposed revelation of 0s SS records has been debunked here and here.)
15 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007
16 Passport records for all passports
17 Scholarly articles
18 SAT and LSAT test scores
19 Access to his grandmother in Kenya
20 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists
21 Punahou grade school records
22 Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.
23 Obama 1964 Divorce Papers - 13 Pages - Missing Pg 11
24 Why isnt Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?
25 Why isnt Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?
Anyone who cares about their country would be very concerned that a POTUS had hidden every scrap of information of his life that he possibly could.
Obama said the Muslim call to prayer
is one of the prettiest sounds on earth,
in an interview with Nicholas Kristof,
in The New York Times. Kristof described Obamas recitation of the Muslim call to prayer,
the Adhan, with a first-class [Arabic]
The opening lines of the Adhan (Azaan) is the Shahada:
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
Allah is Supreme! Allah is Supreme!
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that there is no god but Allah
I witness that Muhammad is his prophet...
According to Islamic scholars, reciting the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith, makes one a Muslim. This simple yet profound statement expresses a Muslims complete acceptance of, and total commitment to, the message of Islam.
Obama belonged to Rev. Wrights (a former Muslim) church for twenty years. Many congregants are Muslims.
Obamas said that the U.S. is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.
Obama holds Muslim celebrations in the WH but canceled the National Day of Prayer.
Obama holds Muslim celebrations in the WH but canceled the National Day of Prayer.
President Obamas religious adviser, Eboo Patel, once deemed the United States the ideal place for the renewal of Islam.
Obama falsely attributes Muslim participation in the founding of America.
Obama required that the cross be covered when he gave a speech at Notre Dame.
Christian symbol covered up during Obamas Georgetown speech
Obamas first major speech in office was a Muslim outreach speech in Cairo Egypt.
Obama gave strong support to the Cordoba House community center and mosque to be built at the Ground Zero site of Sep. 11, 2001 at a dinner celebrating the days end of the first day of Ramadan at the WH.
Obama tasked NASA with a mission of Muslim outreach.
Obama referred to his faith as my Muslim faith gaffe in an interview with George Stephanopolous.
Pushes Islamic freedom of religion but not Jewish or Christian freedoms. Several weeks ago he told Israel NOT to build settlements in East Jerusalem. But OK to build that Mosque at Ground Zero.
More evidence that Obama is a Muslim from his own speeches (video)
The FIRST thing Obama did as a newly elected Illinois State Senator was to attempt to declare a Muslim holiday. Obama sponsored Bill SR0110 in the 90th General Assembly to declare November 1, 1997 to be Islamic Community Center Day. It did not pass.
Obama appoints Muslims to key security
Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said
he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama,
where Obama told him that
He was still a Muslim,
and that he was sympathetic towards
the Muslim agenda.
Little known facts about Obama:
In 2001, Obama sponsored Illinois Senate Bill 750 creating the Halal Food Act, providing for inspections by the Department of Agriculture to ensure that all food labeled Halal is prepared according to Islamic law.
This act plays into Islamization. Heres how it works and how Halal food plays a role:
From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halaal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves along with threats for failure to comply
Anthony Weiner: “When I want a sex slave, I just log in to my Twitter account and choose the woman I like...
To be perfectly fair, it is also sanctioned in the Bible (OT that is), and in very similar terms.
The problem is not that the Koran allows for sex slavery, it is that many Muslims believe they still have the right to implement what the Koran says in this regard, and so they have the attitudes towards women and infidels that go along with such teachings.
While the OT allows for similar behavior, there is today a notable dearth of Jews or Christians calling for modern implementation of these ancient "rights."
It is also fair to point out the OT never called on Jews to conquer the rest of the world. Its "laws of war," while very similar to those of Sharia, never had the intended worldwide scope of the Muslim version.
Just out of curiosity, but where might I find one of these markets?
It’s not only present tense, but the Muslim women too:
Wouldn't be so sure of that.
How I wish all dem voters would read this post and open their eyes
to what this evil person is doing to everyone, including them.
Please if you must have a democrat in the WH, at least vote for one
that won’t destroy our country. That’s all this right-winger ask.
Well, I'm glad he provided the missing context and clarified things.
No, there's no sarcasm psuedocode. I am truly glad he offered that up.
Yep. Unless, of course, they're minimizing it, ot arguing similarities with the West.
Feminists have a satanic level of hatred towards women.
Obama claims to be Christian, yet utterly refuses to acknowledge the role of Islam in worldwide terrorism, nor the barbaric stonings and honor killings prevalent yet today worldwide. He also fails to call for an end to the persecution of Christians and destruction of Christian churches in Muslim lands (albeit any and all forms of Christianity that are verboten in countries that are receiving US foreign aid and punishable by imprisonment and death). Obama is in a position to address the issue (allegedly the orator of all time - wink wink), but his allegiance is solely to Islam, which you so expertly outlined. The disrespect he's shown Israel and his embracing of The Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinians are likely proud achievements for him.
“Feminists have a satanic level of hatred towards women.”
Very true.
Great tagline material!!!
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