All of the documents can be read at
Note that page 23 states the following:
“Obama is considered by [redacted] to be a slippery character.”
Like father, like son, huh?
Is “1482 Alencastre St” an address you have listed for Senior? The memo below seems to confirm everyone’s suspicion that SAD and BHOI didn’t live together.
Page 34 at this link: is memo.
This memo dated 8/31/61 says the following regarding “Obama, Barack H.”
Claims to intend to attend University of Hawaii for at least one more year to gain B.A. in Economics.
U.S.C (United States Citizen) spouse to go to Washington State University next semester. When finished school he plans to go to a mainland school for a Doctor Degree (sic) in Economics - after that to return to Kenya. They have one child born Honolulu 8/4/61 - Barack Obama II, child living with mother (she lives with her parents & subject lives at 1482 Alencastre Street.)