"Upton defines paranoia as "the attempt of the human mind to reach cognitive closure in a situation that does not allow for it, either because there is too little information to warrant that closure, or -- as with the paranoid schizophrenic -- too much information to make sense of, except through delusion."
A perfect example of postmodern paranoia is the weather hysteria of the greenhouse gasbags, which serves the same purpose that witch hunting did in an earlier age. ......If you are not in need of this kind of organizing fantasy in your life, it's very difficult to understand the mindset of the people who do need it. It is a kind of reverse image of genuine religion, which deals with perennial truth, not a need for cognitive closure. This is not to say that anxiety-ridden people don't misuse religion for that purpose, since they do so all the time. But in my view, just as science is a journey from the unknown to the known, religion is a journey from the known to the unknown. ...."
Likewise, I am a believer.
However, being a believer doesn't mean that one has to kiss their brains goodbye.
Do I believe that God can do miracles contrary to the laws of nature that He established? Absolutely.
Do I believe in conspiracy theories about man doing things that are contrary to the laws of nature that God established? No.
As for not living in fear, too many of these conspiracy theories breed it and feed on it.
The issue isn't about getting all worked up about some Illuminati type plot to take over the world, of which we can't do anything about, but to make sure we're prepared for the ordinary, run of the mill kinds of things that we're likely to encounter regardless of whether or not there's some nefarious plot to destroy this country.
Essentially, I'm just as likely to have problems with a nature generated tornado as a (hypothetically) man generated one. When it hits, it matters little what the source is. It matters more if I'm prepared either way.
And yes, I also think that the claims about HAARP violate the laws of physics and are not realistic or feasible.