The purists and single issue ostriches are turning this into 2008 all over again.
What conservatives are objecting to are those who say Trump should be the GOP nominee for president - for the exact same reason that folks say Romney should not be president - they are NE liberals who are now pretending to be conservatives to try and win the nomination. If you want to be fooled by that political song and dance, well, that is your choice. But it ain't mine.
Yep. I predict there will come a time when those who speak on behalf of Trump (to any degree) will be banned.
Presidental elections are just a show like “pro” werstling. The parties are just one big political power cartel. They put up two “different” opponents in a big smackdown every four years to fool people on both sides into believing they are represented.
Perot and Trump are the infamous assclown spectators who jump into the ring occasionally for increased dramatic effect.