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Why Get Angry w/ Trump for Doing Heavy Lifting Lily-Livered Republicans Couldn't be Bothered With?
Reaganite Republican ^ | April 17, 2011 | Reaganite Republican

Posted on 04/17/2011 5:03:42 AM PDT by Reaganite Republican

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To: mazda77

“I sense that as long as it is not someone you agree with that everyone else should keep their mouths shut? That kind of logic is the main reason we are where we are.”

What ARE you talking about?

41 posted on 04/17/2011 6:13:34 AM PDT by traderrob6
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To: MikeSteelBe

The country is not well served if an “assclown” were to be elected. We have enough problems with the current communist in the White House. Trump is a clown - if you simply listen to him talk for more than a minute (like the interview on Rush) you have to realize he is a complete narcissist with very limited knowledge of a few important things like the Constitution and basic free market economic principles.

The birth certificate is a legitimate issue. It should be pursued, and we should never allow basic candidate documentation to be ignored. At the same time, Donald Trump is the exact opposite of what the country needs. He loves himself and big government. His ego would force him to be the solution to all our problems - in other words he would make the government an edifice to his own brilliance. He does not understand that a true leader of this country needs humility and understanding of the “limited” nature of government. Our best Presidents have had these two important features - humility and a recognition that government is not the answer. Trump has neither.

42 posted on 04/17/2011 6:20:23 AM PDT by kentramsay
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To: Reaganite Republican
But I'm absolutely delighted to see somebody, anybody actively seeking some clarification on all Obama was inexplicably allowed to hide. I can't see why EVERY American wouldn't be happy to see it... who but a criminal, coward, or fool would fear the truth, anyway?.

Yep yep! The RINOs who are embedded into their liberalism-lite need to go away. Trump isn't my favorite messenger but he is delivering a very real message. Where are the conservatives in the GOP?
43 posted on 04/17/2011 6:20:44 AM PDT by AD from SpringBay (We deserve the government we allow.)
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To: iontheball

I am shocked by the treatment Trump is getting from so called conservative. I expect such things from Obamabots and Progressive Liberals—But not from the right—They don’t even listen to what he says—just the old talking points—The Donald said something bad about Bush —he gave money to a liberal! His hair is funny. Listen to the man! Heck, you fellows seeking PERFECTION will never find it! I believe that when Jesus returns such people will denounce him as not Godlike enough—look at that beard—must be a liberal—forgiveness—sounds like a Democrat.

44 posted on 04/17/2011 6:21:22 AM PDT by Forward the Light Brigade (Into the Jaws of H*ll)
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To: Diogenesis
Romney is a proven-bad governor, self-centered, fascist who imposted statism and RomneyCARE. That has nothing to do with the patriotic actions of Mr. Trump.

The fact that Trump has a liberal past and is now pretending to be a conservative to seek the GOP nomination is very similar to Romney, whether you want to admit it or not. Trump has widely supported Democrats and liberal causes. But because he is now going after Obama, too many freepers are willing to overlook his past as to his suitability to be the GOP nominee. I'm not.

45 posted on 04/17/2011 6:21:57 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: snoringbear

No, but the widespread knowledge of that fact may damage him politically beyond repair.

46 posted on 04/17/2011 6:23:28 AM PDT by HerrBlucher ("It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged." G.K. Chesterton)
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To: traderrob6

Levin rips Donald Trump to shreds

Posted by The Right Scoop on Apr 15, 2011 in Politics


Levin points out many things about Trump that show he is no conservative, but a few of the glaring ones are the fact that he support Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio twice, as well as calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush, accusing him of lying to get us in the war. Oh yeah, and he supported Universal Health Care in America, the Canadian style.

And there’s more. This is a must listen.

Listen Now! »

America: It’s time to dump Trump

Friday, Apr 15, 2011 at 1:41 PM EDT

Think Donald Trump is a strong conservative alternative to President Obama? You might want to think again! Pat and Stu juxtaposed some of his recent, aggressive comments with ones he made not that long ago. He criticized Bush, praised Obama, and more!

What were some of the things he was saying just two years ago?

Trump right after 2008 election: “Bush has been so bad, maybe the worst president in the history of this country.” “So incompetent, so bad, so evil.”

For comparison, Trump now says: “ [Obama]‘s been a horrible president. I always said the worst president was Jimmy Carter.”

Trump in 2008: “You can be enemies with people, whether it’s Iran or Iraq or any other place, have dialogue. [Bush people] won’t even talk to him. It’s terrible.”

Stu pointed out that Trump is essentially making a policy statement here. “Bush sucks because he won’t talk to President Ahmadinejad. That was his point there: We should be meeting with these people; we can have a dialogue.”

Trump in 2008 on Obama: “I think he has a chance to go down as a great president. Now, if he’s not a great president, this country’s in trouble. I think he’s going to lead through consensus. It’s not going to be a bull run like Bush did, he just did whatever the hell he wanted, go into a country, attack Iraq which had nothing to do with the World Trade Center, just do it because he wanted to do it.”

DONALD TRUMP donates $50,000 to RAHM EMANUEL campaign for Mayor in Chicago

Democrats and Republicans sitting in a tree...


[link to]

“Illinois law placed no limits on political contributions until Jan. 1, and Emanuel made the most of the opportunity. He collected more than 70 contributions of $50,000 or more, accounting for roughly half the $10.5 million he raised by the end of last year. Those contributions alone were more than was raised by all of the other mayoral candidates combined.

Many of his biggest contributors live outside Chicago. He received large checks from New York (the financiers Roger Altman, Ronald Perelman and Donald Trump each gave $50,000); Silicon Valley ($50,000 from Steve Jobs); and especially Southern California, where Emanuel’s brother, Ari, a powerful Hollywood agent, raised money on his behalf. David Geffen gave $100,000, Steven Spielberg $75,000.”

“Now, this reminds me of why I thought Donald Trump was a liberal Democrat in the first place. And I was blown away when he announced he was a Republican and he was maybe going to run for the Republican nomination,” Pat said.

47 posted on 04/17/2011 6:25:32 AM PDT by KeyLargo
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To: Reaganite Republican
Ditto! I could care less what Trump did or didn't do in the past, or who pockets he greased. He on the right track now. That track is exposing the socialist in chief.

In my book, that's a GREAT Thing.

Donald Trump is doing the job the NYT, CNN and the rest of the LSM (Lame stream media) won't do.

48 posted on 04/17/2011 6:25:41 AM PDT by Realman30 ("I've already made a donation to Haiti. It's called taxes". . . . El Rushbo.)
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To: Reaganite Republican

We are not angry that he is taking on Obama. Have at it. But we are not so gullible to believe that someone with such irrefutable evidence of once being a Liberal, has now somehow morphed into the second coming of Ronald Reagan. He has not.

49 posted on 04/17/2011 6:26:55 AM PDT by NavyCanDo
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To: Reaganite Republican

Trump needs to demand answers from John McLame if a deal was made with Obama to avoid him from being properly vetted to prove his natural born citizenship? THEN you will really see the Dems, Reps and media have a heart attack

50 posted on 04/17/2011 6:27:46 AM PDT by sushiman
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To: Forward the Light Brigade

Spot on. Trump is doing this country a tremendous favor right now. Now is not the time to bash him. If it ever comes down to Trump vs. Palin, or West in the primary then it will be a good time to bash him. But to do it now is just ridiculous.

51 posted on 04/17/2011 6:28:02 AM PDT by Keeper of the Turf (Fore!!!)
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To: Forward the Light Brigade
I am shocked by the treatment Trump is getting from so called conservative.

I am hardly shocked that there are so many alleged conservatives who are willing to ignore Trumps well-documented liberal past just because he is getting after Obama - he is NOT just getting after Obama, he may be seeking the GOP nomination. So his past is highly relevant.

Heck, you fellows seeking PERFECTION will never find it!

We hear that all the time from the RINO shills. Because we point out that a candidate is more liberal than conservative, pinheads like you run around bleating that we are single-issue and demand perfection.

No, we demand a candidate that is more conservative than not. We are more than willing to accept a few variances - but the variances should be the exception and not the rule. The fact that you are attacking conservatives for pointing that out doesn't speak well for your conservatism.

52 posted on 04/17/2011 6:30:44 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: Reaganite Republican

I agree. Trump is speaking to the masses in a way the Tea Party and the GOP can’t. He’s opening up the can of worms even if he’s not doing it to help the Tea Party.

53 posted on 04/17/2011 6:32:23 AM PDT by carmody
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To: Keeper of the Turf
Why is this even a point of contention? Of course I support Trump going after zerO. I'm voting for Sarah, (or DeMint if he decides to run).

If a former, or closet, leftist goes after a leftist, let him. Cheer him on even.

But vote with your brain.

54 posted on 04/17/2011 6:33:45 AM PDT by Big Bronson
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To: AD from SpringBay

“Where are the conservatives in the GOP? “

They are focusing on real issues such as medicare reform and repealing Obamacare.

55 posted on 04/17/2011 6:39:07 AM PDT by ari-freedom
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To: Keeper of the Turf
Now is not the time to bash him.

Did you see anything about his speech yesterday in Boca Raton? He was making the case as to why he would be a good GOP nominee. So HE is the one raising the issue. And we are responding. Responding HELL NO.

56 posted on 04/17/2011 6:39:49 AM PDT by dirtboy
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To: Keeper of the Turf

He’s exciting everyone right now and if you wait, it will be too late. If Trump isn’t taken out now, he will be the GOP nominee.

57 posted on 04/17/2011 6:41:42 AM PDT by ari-freedom
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To: Reaganite Republican
Amen, bro (or sis). I note that Palin finally lukewarmly got on this after first calling the birth certificate issue a "distraction."

It's not just the BC issue: Trump was on Rush just HAMMERING China and dealing with the oil issue. Now, it's very clear if you listen closely to Trump that he doesn't understand Democrats, he still believes in the old model of "working" with them but added the caveat, if they don't work with me, they'll see what a fighter I am (or words to that effect).


58 posted on 04/17/2011 6:43:41 AM PDT by LS ("Castles made of sand, fall in the sea . . . eventually." (Hendrix))
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To: traderrob6
"I just think he’s a self aggrandizing liberal opportunist who would make a lousy President."

As far as even thinking he needs to be President is about as much of a laugher as considering Pvt. Benjamin Buford 'Bubba' Blue for the Joint Chiefs but I sure as hell am not going to denegrate his desire to take the point on this particular issue.

So who else is taking the point? Your congress-critter? Your short list favorites? We all know "The Donald" all to well and what he is doing is what many on our side of issues have been pleading for someone to do.

All I care about is that he is bringing this to light and tweaking the hell out of Obama at every turn right now while Boohoo-ehnor and his clowns are crying tears of joy about passing 353 million, that's right million in actual cuts when the government is adding 4 billion a day to the deficit.

Trump will fall on his own accord when it comes to policy and his current arguement is nowhere near policy other than his China statements. The rest will fall like a lead balloon. So while he is doing the lifting others will not do, cheer him on and then give him a seat with the rest of the peanut gallery when this engine runs out of steam.

The election is not next week and at this point in his political career, Obama was just trying to get his seat warm in the US Senate after just barely knocking the dust off his seat in the Illinois legislature. Lots of water and dead wood will pass under this bridge before time is upon us to make some serious choices as far as POTUS candidates are concerned. I'm just glad he has the stones to shape the debate on this issue that was declared dead by virtually all of the Ruling Class.

59 posted on 04/17/2011 6:46:35 AM PDT by mazda77 (Mike Hogan - JAX Mayor)
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To: Reaganite Republican

Excellent analysis. We all have our role to play in fighting the Left. Trump is playing his, Palin has hers, as do the other candidates and we voters. Trump has the financial resources to investigate the BC and the financial acumen to connect the dots of democrat fraud. His every statement generates media interest, whereas, the hundreds of us who have been screaming about this for three years cannot buy the publicity that Trump can stir up. I will not be voting for him for president, but I appreciate the role he’s playing.

60 posted on 04/17/2011 6:49:25 AM PDT by rabidralph (
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