Most thinking people who understand the USC realize that it is silent on the issue of secession. The North could have easily slipped in a post war amendment codifying secession as illegal. Why didn’t they do that? I’ll tell you why, because an amendment making secession unconstitutional would be an admission that it was legal at the time of Southern secession. Simple as that jackwagon.
So then do you also believe in an individual right to secession?
You did say earlier in this thread that you felt it was a ‘natural right’ that did not need to be expressed in our Constitution.
So is it only a group ‘political’ right that was unspoken or was it also an individual right in your mind?
The fact is that there was no ‘special’ unspoken right for states to unilaterally secede anymore then there was a ‘natural right’ for individuals to secede.
When one political faction (Confederacy - democrats) is pushing treason already why would anyone stop to pursue sonmething like an Amendment?
It is the Confederates who should of sought an Amendment to justify their extremist views and not the other way around, imo.