UNLESS it is managed right.
The “independents” or Cowardly Immoral Idiots* as I like to call them.... would do just as you say.... unless.
Unless the stage is set as I describe. If the press and media make him Osama out to be a sacrificing hero of the People who gave up everything he was trying to do for us.... over a technicality (that wasn’t his fault, he didn’t know, he was only an orphan)... but those MEAN ASS REPUBLICANS wouldn’t leave him alone. No. No. Couldn’t just let a black man be president. They had to hound him.
They’ll enshrine him for his “sacrifice” - 24 x 7 news coverage. Movies. Talk of Mount Rushmore.
Just wait. It’s the only move they have. Play on the heartstrings of the Idiots in the middle.
* they can’t TAKE a position because of FEAR of being wrong, or STUPIDITY about the ISSUES, or because they lack CONVICTION of a moral center.