The problem is Obama's (putative)father was NEVER an American citizen, nor did he even have any intention of becoming a citizen.
If you were born in America (jus soli) and your parents were BOTH American Citizens (jus sanguinis)you are a natural born Citizen of the united states.
Natural born Citizenship is (almost) an indelible state.
It is my understanding that one would have to voluntarily -- and positively -- renounce such citizenship, at the age of one's maturity.
Other countries "conferring" THEIR citizenship would not impinge in any way on the rights, or the prerogatives, of a natural born Citizen (see definition above) of the United States nor could such countries bar a natural born Citizen from holding office as President Of The United States.
The father not being a citizen was known to every American well before the election and nomination. To every Constitutional scholar, to every media attorney, to everyone, everyone, EVERYONE!!!
Why did NO ONE ever utter in public, “Wait a sec. Is he even natural born, if his father wasn’t a citizen???”
This is like topsy turvy bizarro world.