You read me right, indeed. The danger isn't immediate, but is forthcoming, to anyone who is paying attention, which is sadly all too few people.
If they are not safe here, then none of us Christians are either! All we have comes from them. I will die for their right to be free from harm.
No Bible-believing Christian is going to be safe here either, in what may well be a very short time. Recently, here in Maryland, there was a drive to pass a bill in the legislature for gay marriage. It failed, but will be back, no doubt in very short order. Once it does pass, and pass it eventually will, what do you think is going to happen to Catholic clergy who refuse to marry gays in their church? They will feel the force of the heavy hand of the state, at the behest of gays. And this, mind you, in a state whose very origin was to enable English Catholics the right to worship as their conscience dictated. It is going to happen, even as has been written.
*ALL* nations of the world, will at the end of this sad and sorry age, go to Israel to ensure 'the Final Solution', at the behest of Islam, and its handmaiden the Marxist Left. Whatever is left of what we call the United States will not be an exception, although when that happens it will be a nation that would not be recognizable to us now, although anyone with a measure of discernment can see the path ahead...
the infowarrior