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The thing that pissed me off the most about this movie was a comment Paul made at the end of the movie. The previously blind woman’s Dad said to Paul, “God Bless you” and Paul said, “Yea whatever dude”. Not just the response but the disdain in his vocal tone. This reallllly left a bad taste in my mouth and made me angry. I’m a Christian and I won’t apologize for it. I liked the movie for the most part. I even like their previous movies. In the future I’ll think twice about watching any of their future movies. If hollywood and other parts of the world can’t accept our religious beliefs and our way of life the way we accept and tolerate theirs. The way I see it, that’s bullshit. Well, I’ll pray for them and hope the best for them. Also, to be more descriptive of my Christianity I don’t belief I have a guaranteed place in heaven already. I only hope and pray that is a reality for me some day. God Bless you hollywood and England, etc.

16 posted on 09/21/2011 12:16:52 PM PDT by brianco777 (Do or Die, I'm with HIM.)
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To: brianco777

“The thing that pissed me off the most about this movie was a comment Paul made at the end of the movie. The previously blind woman’s Dad said to Paul, “God Bless you” and Paul said, “Yea whatever dude”.”

odd, that was my favoritest part of the movie. many people actually completely dismiss the bronze aged book and superstition while at the same time believe in some sort of higher power.

17 posted on 07/31/2013 8:45:17 PM PDT by rbd (proof will come when you die, only you cant prove squat after you die...)
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