There you go confusing us with facts again!"
Thanks. I just wish that they'd catch on to arguing against the various energy subsidies instead of using generalizing arguments of the left against the machines and our right to build or use them.
Such political waywardness really pushes me more nonpolitical every month, and that'll be the death of the political game as it's being played. Because we're not buying much of anything and are tightening up more every month. A few months from now, there won't be many government or big global corporate jobs, and therefore, no big, socialist political PACs. There won't be much, if any, Social Security or pension incomes. There won't be any social engineering jobs (e.g., feminist social work, affirmative action, etc.). ...no easy money. There will only be men and women at work for their families, like it or not.
I'm going out to work now. It's time to begin to do some gardening where they say that it can't be done. ;-)
Thanks again. Here's a link to instructions for the 10-footer. But it's for those who have a lot of wind most of the time, and industrial and construction safety experience are probably prerequisites (or a whole lot of common sense and attention to physical interactions).
Homebrew 10' Wind Turbine construction
As for nuclear power plants (topic of the posted article above this thread), more of those back east are probably a good idea. As for the West, well,...
The Wayward Wind