Blind eyes is an ironic name, Obama is a marxist what part of that don’t you understand?
He has passed enough legislation at this point to make everyone a permanent slave of the state 9000 pages of liberties up in flames.
Cover for McCain all you want but the people in this nation that are going to stand up and speak out will no longer deal with this type of propaganda of giving neo statists the benefit of the doubt.
McCain is unAmerican period,
I’m not covering for McCain. I said I don’t think Obama has learned anything of importance and that he has not raised himself above leftist politics. Reread my post. Why McCain believes he has is anybodies guess. I think because Obama did the right thing in Afghanistan it probably made McCain optimistic or, worse, made him think he should work with him. I think, if anybody, it McCain who hasn’t learned anything, especially about Obama.