He is one of the all too few with a bit of common sense.
Technically, the 6 month drilling ban is over. Practically, no deepwater exploration wells are being drilled in the Gulf of Mexico due to stifling over-regulation. Wake up people, we are being invaded from within by our own government under Barack Obama.
Obarry does what he wants and his administration takes their cues from him - which are, we do what we want and what are you going to do to stop us?
Well, what, indeed?
I think this White House is contemptible ... period. ;-)
Let’s see, right when the US is taking all it’s corn and
making ethanol to fuel cars and driving food prices high,
Obama’s left leaning enviro-lunatics have just enacted the
first government created “US offshore oil bust”.
Moratorium, no permits, unlimited liabilities, rigs leaving,
offshore boats tied up, crews laid off, US shipyards impacted, on and on. Obama and all the rats have to go,
vote them out asap.
It Begins First Oil Rig Relocates From Gulf to Foreign Waters
"As a result of the uncertainties surrounding the offshore drilling moratorium, we are actively seeking international opportunities to keep our rigs fully employed," Dickerson said. "We greatly regret the loss of U.S. jobs that will result from this rig relocation."
Idled Gulf Rigs Head For Africa
It is not just Gulf operations that are being effected either.
Wait and see for Shell {Shell puts Arctic drilling plans on hold, waiting on feds}
Let's not leave the refineries out.
EPA gives final "no" to Texas refinery permits
Then there are the land-based oil leases.
Judge Grills Feds on Pulling Drilling Leases"A federal judge on Wednesday questioned Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's justification for canceling 77 drilling leases sold by the Bush administration around national parks in Utah."
U.S. Saw Drill Ban Killing Many Jobs [ie. Obama KNEW he was destroying jobs, kept it secret]
Obama and O'Malley are Hurting the Poor in Md by Shutting Down Nuclear Power
Obama Administration Blocking 103 Gulf Drilling Permits February 03, 2011
The offshore industry may never recover from this charade. If it does it will take a long time. Much new regulatory complexity is being imposed on the industry. Little of it is anymore than petty, punishing and feel good crap. Why is so little of what is being imposed an improvement? Because the regulations we had before were pretty good. Some areas of competence and training need improvement but new rules will not take care of this problem. This whole affair being staged by obastard and company is mostly show for the left and just plain vengeance.
The only thing effective about the destruction of the MMS and the new rules is the chaos it has created, the damage it has done to the oil industry, the useless cost it has created for the industry, the loss of production and loss of vital good paying jobs.
The latest ploys to delay drilling by obastard and saladbar seem to be further intimidation of the employees by a gang of former FBI agent watchdogs brought in by Bromwich and delays in review blamed on lack of resources and “funding cuts”.
Employees of BOEMRE are afraid of making decisions that MAY result in an accident or spill. BOEMRE are demanding that all operations be guaranteed to be free from risk of accidents. This is simply impossible. It is just as impossible as anyone making an iron clad assurance that they will not have a car accident when they leave the house, will not be hit by a car when crossing the street, that no airline will ever crash, that no ship will ever sink in a storm, etc. If an operation that a BOEMRE bureaucrat has approved results in an accident the bureaucrat may be personally liable and subject to fines or imprisonment or both. We all manage risk every day. How many permits do you think will be approved under these conditions? We never eliminate risk in our lives, that is just impossible.
The purge of old hands in the BOEMRE is much like the Stalin purges that left behind a bunch of inexperienced know-nothing newbies and second stringers suddenly elevated to positions they are not ready for or above their ability.
Next come the claims of delays caused by lack of funding.
“We just can’t get to that permit review because we have had our funding cut.” or “We just haven’t been able to get things finished because we are resource constrained.” Really? The bureaucrats are still being paid, the lights are still on, the phones still work, the computers are still on. How much more money can it take to review permit applications and get them approved?
Enjoy your coming $4 or $5 gasoline brought to you by obastard. Stand by and watch for more destruction of US industry, jobs and ability. Stand by for deeper and deeper vulnerability of national security and dependence of foreign energy sources.
Destruction of the vital offshore oil industry is going on behind the scenes quietly, subversively and completely.
Add this to the obastard crimes he is getting away with.
That has become a repeating theme over the past two years. The ruling on federal health care as unconstitutional only encourages the Obama administration to stay the course. Overkill based on flawed reasoning is the Obama motif.
For the life of me I cannot understand why the majority of Americans with any reasoning ability at call cannot see through this person in the White House. He is either ignorant or willfully trying to destroy us. Either way he is incompetent. He spends two years on his Health Care Plan when we were desperately drowning in debt and needing jobs. He had a Congress with a Super Majority and got what he wanted and to him Health Care was more important than jobs and debt. For the last 40 years America should have been able to understand this deal with oil and we have not made any strides at all. At the very least would could be drilling in our own country and putting refinneries on line and that is the fault of both parties.This Green Energy thing and Global Warming is a farce that Al Gore came up with and he stands to become rich with Franklin Raines(Fannie/Freddie fame) and Obama selling Carbon Credits. America deserves to be driven into mediocrity if we dont see this. Of course the liberal’s succeeded in dumbing down our schools so I guess we deserve this mess we are in.
REPEAL the offshore drilling BAN! PLEASE!!!