Matthews has a big problem with women. I remember when he attacked Michelle Malkin. Matthews is a sexist who hates women.
The Senator told chrissy girl that he was lucky that dueling was illegal but if he ever saw chrissy he'd kick his ass.
The Senator is retired but was a man of honor.
I think he loves women just can’t get any good looking ones. Libby women are look lackers, even the men are better looking, that is why O gives Chrissy that tingle. I remember one time he had Donna Rice on and he just came out and said “how attractive she was.” It came out of no where and was very strange. She probably was thinking, how do I respond to this one. Sorry Chrissy, don’t even thing a paper bag will help you score.
True. He is terribly threatened by attractive, intelligent women, ie conservative women.
But he does have a huge man crush on you-know-who.
Sometimes, the dots just connect themselves.
With strong women..Chris has penis envy