I have been sitting at the table with the liberal left for more than 20 years. Call me brittle, but I am tired of being told to stuff it. I am tired of representing the victim of a constant public battering by leftists who are allowed to spread their lies and demonize those I represent without any accountability. Western rural America is angry, along with many other groups who are disnfranchised by the liberal machine and told to sit down and shut up in the name of civility when they assert their rights and interests. Be thankful for groups like the tea party that embrace traditional political approaches to change and recognize that they are serious about their grievances and that this is a healthy outlet for that anger as long as it produces some genuine relief. The last thing they need is to be told to stuff it.
What are these people supposed to do with their frustration and anger? Don’t tell them they need to be more “civil” about their rhetoiric when they feel this threatened at the level of their livelihood, property and culture. How are they supposed to “tone it down” when they feel this threatened? At least they are organizing politically and raising money to go to court, not resulting to violence.