The sudden attention of Abercrombie, Matthews, the Chicago Sun-Times, CNN, etc. is very likely their attempt to show, “aha! he WAS born in HI,” diverting attention from the ‘natural born’ language of the Constitution, and the possibility the SCOTUS could take up that question.
The birth certificate, imo, has never been anything but a red herring. Obama’s birth place, or documentation therof, is totally irrelevant assuming the deVatell definition of ‘natural born’ is what the Framers adopted.
The media ‘blitz’ from the left could well be coordinated by Mrs. Robert Bauer (Anita Dunn), former WH communications director. Bauer himself is now WH counsel; his firm has just entered as counsel of record (supplanting the Solicitor General) in a case that is now before the SCOTUS.
I think Albercromie is using this as a means to blackmail the president into giving Hawaii federal funding to get it out of its financial crisis.
The first “law “ book used by the U.S. Supreme Court was Vatell’s Law of Nations. John Jay ,first Supreme Court chief Justice strongly supported the Vatell’s definition of Natural Born.
Citizen(s) means both parents.