You guys still believeing that Christine—broomstick—O’ Donnell had a chance?
I never thought she could win. Didn’t stop me from sending her money, and HOPING she would win.
Anyway, there was always the hope that, having endorsed her, Palin and the tea party would step in and take over for the missing-in-action Delaware Republican establishment. Or at least Palin would have had some contacts to send O’Donnell a decent campaign staff who would be strong enough to stop her from making a commercial where she insists she is not a crook. Wait, I mean “not a witch”.
Which is my way of pointing out the obvious flaw in that commercial — given the rumors about her previous campaign money (makes no difference if they were true or not, people knew about them), the last thing she wanted to do was remind people of Richard Nixon. “I am not a witch”?
Why are you talking about “broomstick” about a woman who gave her heart to Jesus Christ 19 years ago and has been a passionate, outspoken, and dedicated Christian — in the public eye — for 19 years?
What kind of person are you?