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To: Brilliant
Yeah, I think Juan’s statement is completely BS, but on the other hand, I am very worried that this field of candidates we have is not going to be able to beat Obama. Of the bunch we have, it may be Romney who has the best chance, and that’s a Pyrrhic victory, if you ask me.


Flip-flopping Myth "Romney-Care" Romney?

YOu have to be kidding?

He spent how many millions of his own money last time to win in a Primary that had a bunch of lack-luster RINOs in it and he is going to win this time with a bunch of better candidates?

You are kidding, right?
107 posted on 12/26/2010 11:05:04 AM PST by SoConPubbie
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To: SoConPubbie

No, I am not kidding. I’m just reading the polls. Romney may be a flipper, but he’s got more gravitas than any of the other GOP hopefuls. Since Obama is entirely gravitas, that puts him in the best position to challenge Obama. Unless we can come up with a conservative who appeals to more than just the conservative base, we are going to end up with Romney v. Obama. That’s my prediction. I think the conservatives are going to have difficulty making their choice stick in the primary this time because there are a lot of Democrats who’ve switched parties, and they will be voting in our primary. If you don’t believe me, then look at who we nominated in 2008. If the conservatives don’t want Romney, then they are going to have to coalesce behind a conservative consensus candidate, and they are going to need to do it pretty soon.

120 posted on 12/26/2010 11:27:08 AM PST by Brilliant
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