WE’RE ALL GONNA DIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or we could learn to grow more cold weather crops.
Brought to you by the same people who think food should be used for fuel to keep the Earth from warming.
Maybe this is God’s way of laughing at people who still believe in man-made global warming.
Paranoia will destroy ya....
Paging Al Gore.. we need more global warming.
I remember the winter where my father had to snow mobile from Dc to NYC and rescue myself and some friends trapped in a public library.
It was so cold we were burning books to stay warm while dad had to overnight in a ice covered abandoned Wendy’s.
I believe the Vice president was on the weather channel apologizing for the carbon pollution from the USA while Americans were trying to escape the cold by crossing the Mexican border.
I remember that winter like it was the Day After Tomorrow!!
He may be closer to the truth on Global Warming, but this guy looks like an attention-grabbing lunatic.
Stopped reading and closed the browser at that instant.
We just have to get this climate thingee under control, like really. /sarc
Obama and friends are going to bring famine and blame it on global warming.
I think the ruling elite already knew that the Sun was too quiet and that a cooling trend (along with loss of growing season and crops) was coming.
That is why they had the cap and trade to begin with. To take the money away from the peons who won’t survive anyway and give it to the ruling elite so they can better prepare and survive the panic that will hit the public when they find out .
1. Global Warming is Bunk, Total Scam
2. There is an effect on weather patterns (certainly variability) during sunspot minimums and maximums.
3. The UN is ALWAYS wrong about everything. They pretend to understand things to grab power and money. Total Frauds.
4. For 200 years there has been evidence of crop yields (wheat) are tied to sunspot activity.
5. We are just beginning to come out of the longest sunspot minumum in my lifetime.
6. Reduced crop yields and cold weather could affect world grain/food prices. Spot varibilities are going to happen, they always have.
7. Right now, the global Ag companies are taking full advantage of the situation. And with the adoption of PVPA they are contributing to the effect.
8. The Senate passed S.510 FDA Food Safety (Takeover) Bill during the Lame Duck Session. It was passed by the Senate because someone convinced them that Al-Quida intends to poison our food supply. They probably do plan that, but the dummies in DC have devised a solution that will in my opinion add 25-50 percent to the cost of food in the U.S. More paperwork, more reporting, more government control. What they need to encourage is local production. We are exposed to such attacks by produce we must import from the tropical climates and cannot be produced in the U.S.
But as they say:
“Chicken Little the Sky is not really Falling.”
On to practical things. Here is a good link to bookmark, and refer to at intervals, of the prices of common commodities, like wheat, corn, sugar, coffee, and cocoa. The little variable graph at the top is great, because you can see how the prices of these things have individually tracked over the course of the last month or last year.
Since the prices are all going up, it shows that inflation is on the way, especially for weather dependent things like food crops. Eventually these price increases will have to show up in the grocery stores.
And if you see them coming, you can buy ahead.
Importantly, what they can’t show you are shortages. If these happen naturally, they will be factored in.
But if they happen because of speculation, there will be little warning. That is, suddenly prices will double or triple, at the same time there are overnight shortages in the stores.
This is the difference between inflation and hyperinflation.
I wondering if the Obama’s are pondering this fate while eating kobe beef today?
I doubt it.
My friend of years has been going to his family wheat farm in Canada for forty years and said he has never seen the weather like it has been getting in the last three years. Cold and wet. The farmers are geowing what they can and are barely getting a harvest in. My friend has always said we had better hope we are having global warming and not cooling because crops don’t grow when it is too cold...especially wheat.