...another person who brings nothing to the table...
The table has been laden to groaning with a veritable feast, and you still don't get it. I have nothing to add since that would only be repeating information that is already at your disposal.
I am not even mad, the country is falling apart and the best you guys can do is harass bloggers, who post in the BLOG section. What part of HG does not tell me what to do, do you not understand? Only a fool or a coward would do what he wants, considering how disrespectful he is, and it is not only with me. He is obviously angry at the world, and probably hates himself. It is also pretty sad, that you guys have email conversations about me.
Like I said, you bring nothing to the table on this issue.
What are you guys on about?
This is an important speech, and the more people that see it the better.
No wonder the socialists and the islamics are running over us, when people like us get into silly little squabbles like these ones.
Merry Christmas :-)