I totally agree ClearCase Guy!
Here's a good plan to bring up whenever you here talk among illegal aliens about Aztlan:
"The ONLY people that can say they were in AZ first are the Native Americans that were already on this side of the border. The descendants of the very few Mexican citizens that were in AZ 150 years and did not choose to go over the border back into Mexico at any point in the last 150 years can claim they were here first. The ones that stayed in Mexico have NO claim. Any illegals sneaking in now have ZERO claim. The United States won it 150 years ago. Mexico had AZ for only about 25 years and there were only around 10,000 in the SW when we won the war.
The United States was very generous when we won against Mexico. Mexico started the war. We won and couldve taken the entire country fair and square as the spoils of war.
We charge Mexico for the land that they have now. Sell all their valuable assets, as the Soviet Union did when they took over Eastern Europe, charge Mexico for ALL the social services that we have squandered on illegal aliens including hospital visits.
Charge Mexico for all the lost wages and unemployment paid to legal Americans over the decades because the illegals took their jobs and made everyone's pay in the Estados Unidos lower by having a much too large pool of labor.
Put all the illegal aliens into Belize and Guatemala because it is a very small border to protect and pay those countries a few billion dollars out of what we make on the sale of the assets of Mexico to send every citizen of Mexico into their country since legally ALL of Mexico should, by rights, belong to the USA."
The Mexicans from roughly Monterrey northward are generally hardworking, productive and capable of fixing their own backyard.
Those to the south are generally in love with the PRI, socialism and all the freebies they can get. It is reflected in their voting patterns.
The labor and sweat of northern Mexicans has been employed for generations to keep the Kleptocracy afloat. Some northern Mexicans like Calderon think they can keep it afloat longer by expanding the Kleptocracy into the United States.
The truth of the matter is that every Kleptocracy eventually collapses and collapse while, in the short-run, painful is the only long-term solution. Just as you cannot cure a wino by continuing to supply him with booze, you cannot cure a Kleptocracy by continuing to supply them with more pockets to pick.
A Northern Mexican state, divorced of the south, would become a functional first world state within a generation or so. It would then be able to absorb the south much as West Germany absorbed the east.