If they did it to everyone it would be different, Muslim women are being excluded from the scans and pat downs are only to the neck and head area.
Young children should never have an adult pat them down in this manner.
Adults should never be patted down in this manner, either.
Muslim women are exempt?? Then why the HELL do they seach anyone? The main threat is being allowed to walk right into the plane while they frisk normal americans. Why are muslims excluded? What reason does the TSA give for letting them waltz right through?
I don't doubt what you are saying here, but could you give me a link or two where it is documented? I would like to be able to back it up when I talk about it with my tolerant friends and relatives.
I heard CAIR was demanding this and Homeland Security was supposed to be considering it. I don't know if that was a serious consideration or the bureaucratic "Yeaaaaah, we'll get right on that" while dumping the demand into the shredder.