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To: Albion Wilde
We will have to agree to disagree. The FRC paper was footnoted to actual studies and was a review of actual studies.

But the authors did not write a "scientific" paper. You keep insisting they did, because they referred to scientific studies. But their own article, and their conclusions, are what matter here -- and they are not scientific.

As for the matter of “involuntary”, the authors were talking about the individual’s perception while he or she is in the untreated stage of the disorder.

.... read that again, very carefully, and see if you can realize what you just said.

They are not meaning that the attraction is an unalterable condition for a lifetime.

But they are acknowledging something that is directly counter to the conclusions they had just drawn from the scientific studies. Even if they had been "scientific" before this, they can no longer make that claim.

And to top it off, they quickly shifted from the uncomfortable discussion of "involuntary" attractions, to a discussion of "choosing to act" on those attractions.

It's not a scientific paper, FRiend. Stop trying to pretend that it is.

52 posted on 11/05/2010 11:07:49 AM PDT by r9etb
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To: r9etb; wagglebee; little jeremiah

Whether you agree to disagree or not is now beside the point. Stubbornly clinging to your insistence that an organization that is opposed to the affirmation of homosexuality should not be trusted to write about it, either as science or as essay, is your position. It is an untenable position, since think tanks of all types routinely write and cite in favor of their positions, some with more credibility than others; you are rejecting FRC’s very right to do so in spite of their use of footnotes and citations.

I will never agree with your position, so the time has come for you to stop criticizing microscopic aspects of their essay or my responses. Your actual motivation appears to be to affirm homosexual behavior as an immutable condition, which is a position that true conservatives and certainly FR’s owner roundly reject, because the behaviors associated with homosexual identification are objectively toxic for society and for individuals.

Just as heterosexuals feel many types of attractions outside of marriage, the task of choosing what type of sexual behaviors are life-affirming falls on them as well, not just those with homosexual attraction disorder.

53 posted on 11/05/2010 11:22:52 AM PDT by Albion Wilde (Government does nothing as economically as the private sector. - Ronald Reagan)
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