Link to racist, lefty blog Balloon Juice post:
1 posted on
10/22/2010 8:26:02 AM PDT by
To: Qbert
npr PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take juan back!!!!!!!!! At best he is annoying and unwatchable! Now he will be all over stupid fox news MORE than ever.
To: Qbert
Wow I cant believe how fast the Dem’s are distancing themselves from...themselves. What’s the old saying “divide and conquer”? They seem to be dividing themselves.
Now WE need to stick TOGETHER more than ever!
To: Qbert
Many conservatives are liberals who have been mugged. A knock on the head can actualy clarify things. Watch as Juan starts to question the assumptions of the groupthink of the LEFT.
5 posted on
10/22/2010 8:35:40 AM PDT by
To: Qbert
Let's all be sure to remember to welcome Juan into the Conservative movement. After this butt scorching, I suspect he'll be making Hannity look like a Leftie in the future! Carry water for the Left and get “lynched” for your efforts. Hopefully, other African Americans will begin to understand the concept of faithful Useful Idiot. Juan is NOT an idiot but exploitation is what it is. We need to welcome him and all others with open arms. America is for patriots and he is now firmly in our camp.
6 posted on
10/22/2010 8:39:21 AM PDT by
April Lexington
(Study the Constitution so you know what they are taking away!)
To: Qbert
Correct me if I am wrong, but when someone on the right uses the term lawn jockey doesn’t the left go apoplectic and call for their immediate lynching?
10 posted on
10/22/2010 8:43:23 AM PDT by
(Please don't shoot at the thermonuclear weapons. --Vic Deakins)
To: Qbert
The libs are all over the board about this...they rant and rail about the FOX News being one-sided, yet when they get a leftie for counterpoint (for that fair and balanced thing) the left calls him a "lawn jockey".
As a matter of fact, that policy is threaded through the democrat party - anyone who is black and wants to try and reach out is called an "uncle tom". If a black wants to improve his speaking skills or make all A's in school, s/he get accused of "acting white".
All this leads me to believe that the unfairness to blacks, comes from the blacks...and the left. In pure UNION style, they are not allowed to strive to better themselves or to try an better race relations.
Those like NAACP, NBBP, etc are the true racist organizations in this country...THEY are the ones holding blacks back from success. They do it by one of the prime Alinsky "Rules for Radicals"'s called "Ridicule".
But the truth is, their whole ruse is falling apart; political correctness is going the way of New Coke and the ugly head of racism is what they see in the mirror.
11 posted on
10/22/2010 8:46:10 AM PDT by
(You are only obligated to obama to the extent you accept his handouts.)
To: Qbert
So by their way of thinking, Zero is America’s “lawn jockey”. Interesting.
14 posted on
10/22/2010 9:38:26 AM PDT by
( They will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. - ML King)
To: Qbert
“”Juan Williams firing did not happen in a vacuum. It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox News lawn jockey stooge for years.”
It is so gratifying to see the true nature of these people come out.
The left is militantly intolerant; and many of them are racists deep down.
People of color need to see that conservatism is their best hope for real progress and freedom.
We judge as MLK asked us to; the content of the character is much more important than skin color.
This is the opposite of the left. They want to group us all by skin color, or what unnatural places we place our reproductive parts.
16 posted on
10/22/2010 10:17:37 AM PDT by
(You know it's bad for them when Obama's #1 enemy is the Chamber of Commerce)
To: AdmSmith; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; bigheadfred; Convert from ECUSA; Delacon; dervish; ...
And the award for the dumbest and most revealing comment from a prominent left-wing blog regarding the firing of Juan Williams goes to "DougJ" at Balloon-Juice:"Juan Williams' firing did not happen in a vacuum. It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox News lawn jockey stooge for years."
...Based on the comments over there, it appears the strike-through was added only after people complained, so yes, the author did intend to call Juan Williams a "lawn jockey," and yes, as one of my readers commented, the folks who run Balloon-Juice also are the first to call conservatives racist.
Sez "DougJ is the business and economics editor for Balloon Juice." Thanks Qbert.
17 posted on
10/22/2010 10:28:40 AM PDT by
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