To: Free ThinkerNY
I’m not buying this..I might have if it were late next week; but this is a little “sudden” for an outburst like this. This is a little too coordinated for my infidel taste..
8 posted on
10/21/2010 5:10:01 PM PDT by
Michael Barnes
(Guilty of being White.)
To: Michael Barnes
Lies are acceptable by the Queer=ran...
Alot of Muslims need killin’...
And they think the same...
10 posted on
10/21/2010 5:18:07 PM PDT by
(ROP: bless its hearts!..)
To: Michael Barnes
You seem to be taqqiya sensitive. Ease up, pour yourself another scotch and fall asleep with the rest of America.
12 posted on
10/21/2010 5:45:26 PM PDT by
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