A new payroll tax plus Bush tax cuts expire on Jan 1 - who boy this is going to be a big hit for the workers.
Hows this for a hit for Jan.
The medical industry takeover bill has the following new taxes.
New payroll tax
“Value” of employer paid health insurance now to be treated as imputed income.
Cap gains will double
Dividends will go up by 2.5 times.
Child tax credit goes from $1000 to $500 per kid.
Because of the mandate that insurance companies have to insure everyone, their premiums will go up substantially, paid by us. Another hit to the paycheck.
Now add in the Bush income tax rates will ramp up across the board. Obama’s deficit reduction commission will probably recommend a VAT and barry will sign that quickly.
The congress STILL hasn’t passed the 2011 budget. Since they are hiding that, I would have to assume that there are a big pile of new taxes included in that as well.
The democrat party has launched a war on the United States of America.