J: Because of immigration?
MA: Yes. Were it not for immigration a large number of countries would be facing very serious depopulation issues.
In the past decade the UK population level has been rising as fast as it did at the peak of the post-war baby boom in the early 1960s.
About 45 per cent of last years population rise was brought about by immigration and 55 per cent by a greater number of births than deaths.
However the rising birth rate is itself a product of immigration one in four births last year were to mothers who were born outside Britain.
November 26th, 2010
MAs Study
MA: So as not to beat on this subject any longer, we have the First Wave modulating growth and the Second Wave rushing in to fill the gaps in desirable locations where depopulation is an issue.
This immigration results in a rapid expansion of the new group with large, extended families.
It would seem a balanced response when viewed in this manor, but it is not.
J: Are you talking about the culture conflicts that develop?
Ma: No, culture is like Jello. It is always changing and reshaping itself.
The issue we need to concern ourselves with - is the one of species survival.