But consider this, she does know how she covered Obama’s ass in Hawaii with that second certification which was her certifying FOR Hawaii that Obama was constitutionally eligible to run for POTUS. Is she mad enough to reveal THAT?
Problem is it's like she's dealing with a mob, but doesn't know who is friend and who is foe....She'll be lucky to come out with her life and that may be her biggest fear....So she plays the game the puppet master tells her to play.
Think originally that being third in line for the POTUS went to her head. She knew BO was not eligible and Biden would be removed too...Just isn't going to happen on her terms. POOR Nancy!
And could it be that the insider is in fact Alexrod (or Gibbles?) himself? (Or is that crazytalk?) I think that within the inner group of Rahm, Axelrod, Valerie and The Wookie, there HAVE to be alliances/confidant pairings within them.
Naturally those alliances would split along the lines of the later-come Chicagoans/milder SELF-advancing Marxists (Rahm and Axelrod,) versus the hard-core America-hating Marxist ideologues (Valerie and Wookie.)
I think the closest confidant to Obama has always been Valerie--she's basically his sister--his ONLY family and lifelong Anti-American Marxist/Arab. They are of ONE mind. She has been kept in the shadows all along by design--soas not to get found out too soon their TRUE, Marxist-America ambitions.
By default the other true (but dangerous) Obama confidant with allegiance is The Wookie: Longtime fellow-Marxist and immune-from-testifying-against-spouse cards-holder. The Wookie is in for the long haul with Obama as long as it benefits herself. And SHE knows the TRUTHS--meaning SHE never has to worry about being thrown under the bus--she DRIVES The Big Red Barry Wookie Bus...with prosecutorial and "mom-protecting-her-daughters" impunity.
It's a Wookie World--she truly IS the most powerful woman in it right now. And I think she's soon to see...in her gold-doblon-adorned Wookie Rearview Mirror...a HUGE multi-car pile-up...including a completely totaled and car-B-Qed Barrymobile. She gives one final look in the mirror to be sure before a big Wookie-smile spans her face...then she puts the peddle to the metal as "I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie" blares on the radio.