Your logic here is akin to saying that if the Senate voted that global warming was real then it must prove it? It of course would not.
Want to "Phone-a-Friend"? Secession was THE issue on March 2, 1861. Your fearless leader Lincoln, the man child, was about as historically incorrect as you are. The Senators casting those votes could not deny the facts, unlike your hero. They knew that the States reserved the right to reassume their own governance:
. all powers not expressly delegated by the aforesaid Constitution are reserved to the several states, to be by them exercised.
That the powers of government may be reassumed by the people whensoever it shall become necessary to their happiness
Those are Northern States, by the way...
Here is your hero,Lincoln "What is a "sovereignty" in the political sense of the term?"
What is Sovereignty? This is the man you worship?
Who are the parties to it? The people--not the people as composing one great body, but the people as composing thirteen sovereignties.James Madison
The people and their States are Sovereign; they speak as one..
As I have pointed out countless times the power was expressly delegated to the United States making Lincoln Commander-in-Chief over all of the several States (and made to swear to defend the Constitution) and even your own quotes recoginize that the States are reserved powers that are not expressly delegated.
So the Confederate States had no legal right to usurp such power that was expressly delegated.
If secession was meant as a power of the States then where is the outlined procedure for such secession in the Constitution? It isn’t there because the States were prohibited from secession as is pointed out in Article I as well and was posted by a poster above on this page.
And as to your hyberbole that I worship Lincoln, where do you get that from? I simply believe that Lincoln and the republicans were right and that the confederate democrats were wrong.