John Gibson was selling the same kool-aid as Hannity yesterday. Almost every caller disagreed with him, but he shouted them down and insisted that the actions of this kooky pastor would endanger American lives. The criticism should be aimed at the lunatics who riot and kill every time they decide the West has offended them. The only proper response of any politician or talking head, was to say:
“We do not support the burning of any religious book or artifact and are equally offended when muslims and islamic governments burn Christian Bibles or destroy Buddist temples. Having said that, we will not interfere with the right of free speech and will respond with force if anyone attempts to use this incident as an excuse for attacking US soldiers or other citizens.”
Odd that so many people who refuse to deny Imam Rauf his Constitutional rights to build a mosque are screaming for Rev Jones to give up his Constitutional right to burn a book. Burning the American flag is protected speech but burning a Koran is not. (best Russian accent)Is this a great country or what?