Doesn't fly. I've read the officer oath and it says nothing about swearing fealty to a President, but it says a LOT about DEFENDING the Constitution.
In my view Petraeus has thrown his oath out the window showing the country he only cares about his 'career', not the country. With this action trampling on the 1st amendment rights of American citizens he is committing borderline treason.
I now view him exactly as I view Benedict Arnold. (Along with all the rest of the military brass who are refusing to defend the constitution). Traitors the whole lot of them.
Well said!
With what action did the general trample on any Americans' rights? Keep in mind that if speech is to be construed as action, the entire concept of free speech fades into meaninglessness.
“Doesn’t fly. I’ve read the officer oath and it says nothing about swearing fealty to a President, but it says a LOT about DEFENDING the Constitution.
In my view Petraeus has thrown his oath out the window showing the country he only cares about his ‘career’, not the country. With this action trampling on the 1st amendment rights of American citizens he is committing borderline treason.
I now view him exactly as I view Benedict Arnold. (Along with all the rest of the military brass who are refusing to defend the constitution). Traitors the whole lot of them.”
You are entitled to your opinion, Ma’am.
Reading the oath is one thing. Taking the oath is quite another.
I have taken a similar oath (enlisted) and know that there are times that one must “bite the bullet” because of the realities of the chain of command.
I still respect and admire General Petraeus even if you don’t. For now, his biggest concern is for the men and women that are under his command.