“Each of the original states voluntarily surrendered its authority to secede when it ratified the Articles of Confederation, and joined the Union. States formed under the Northwest Ordinance were created by the Federal government, and had authority to secede only under terms set by the Federal government. Which two cases cover all of the states, except for Texas and Vermont.”
How can the States voluntarily surrender their “authority to secede” when that authority was prohibited them by the British Empire who was still in 1777(the time of the verticals) waging war upon them to enforce their laws again secession?
Thats right according to the British secession from the British empire was illegal.
The 13 American Colonies all “ceded” that right in their original colonial compacts. I’m not even going to bother looking up all 13 compacts cause clearly according to you the same compact doesn’t need to specify such a secession.
Show me one example as to where the Founders claimed to fight to change British law? Never was the case. They revolted and did not fight to create a right to seceed under the rule of British law as you are claiming.
To form a more perfect Union.....
Not to amend British law as you claim.
No where was a right to majority rule within a state given the power to undermine the Union.
How can the States voluntarily surrender their authority to secede when that authority was prohibited them by the British Empire who was still in 1777(the time of the verticals) waging war upon them to enforce their laws again secession?They ratified the Articles of Confederation:
Article XIII. Every State shall abide by the determination of the united States in congress assembled, on all questions which by this confederation are submitted to them. And the Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State.