The article says that obscenities are banned; however, the middle finger is not banned but regarded as free speech. This is what the upcoming ground zero mosque represents. A giant middle finger to America of how Islam triumphed over us nine years ago.
Yes and I agree. Who wants a mosque overlooking the biggest act of muslim islamofascist terrorism in history???? NOT ME. BUT I want the gov. to respect private property rights REGARDLESS. The Founding Fathers wanted small gov. only functioning to protect individual rights and private property rights. Think about it. If the gov. steps in and says no to the ground zero victory mosque (which I’m against) they’ll be able to say no to a church across the street from a gov.-run school or a crisis pregnancy center next to a planned parenthood abortion mill. THINK ABOUT IT. If the gov. steps in and says no to the GZVM then who knows what else theyll be able to stop.