I meant “wasn’t Malcom X an American”?
OOPS. I figured it was another reference to Obama that I wasn't quite sharp enough to decipher.
Yes, I believe Malcolm X was an American. I assume you are referring to the supposition the Malcolm was Obama’s father? It is tantalizing, as are many other guesses about Barry. But Barry told us who his father is. He campaigned for president just as he did for Senator, as having had a Kenyen/British father. No court case could proceed based upon the suspicion that Obama knowingly lied about who his father was. There would need to be proof.
Again, we don't need proof to assert that Barry was born a British subject. He told us. Had he really been born of a citizen, albeit out of wedlock, which raises other issues I won't try to address here, Barry, the Constitutional scholar, ran for president knowing he was not eligible. His constitutional law professor, Larry Tribe, was assigned to help provide cover for McCain, who was not eligible either. Larry knows very well what a natural born citizen is, and may have engineered the birth certificate distraction. Obama therefore attained the office fraudulently, and could be impeached.
We have a cast of mandarins assiduously avoiding our Constitution, both Democrats and Republicans. If we prevail through ballot box, iffy since we have no semblance of a verifiable voting system, and if we put honest legislators into enough offices, every legislator must be brought to accounts. Most will plead ignorance. Most should be replaced. Nathan Deal, who may be Georgia's Governor, might make a good chairman of a citizen's committee to investigate legislators, because he had the courage to ask the White House for evidence of Obama’s eligibility. The White House responded to his letter with ethics charges, and Deal had no choice but to resign.
OK. Perhaps Obama didn't really campaign for Senator. He got his Chicago mafia to open sealed divorce records to expose dirt on his opposition, Paul Ryan. Since Ryan’s records were sealed, it is further interesting that Obama’s agents (CIA agent John Brennan included) knew what was in those sealed records before they were unsealed!