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To: One Name
She has demonstrated the fortitude to take it to the opposition when most male conservatives have abdominally withdrawn their cahones.

Most accurate statement of the century...LOL!

142 posted on 08/26/2010 9:50:06 PM PDT by Niteflyr ("The number one goal in life is to parent yourself" Carl Jung)
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To: Niteflyr

Chopping each other up over SP before the midterm elections reminds me of a bunch of penned hogs chewing on each other’s tails when the next day they’re all loading out to the slaughterhouse.

Wake up people! Thanks, Niteflyer.

157 posted on 08/26/2010 10:05:20 PM PDT by One Name
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To: Niteflyr; Windflier; onyx; Lakeshark; free me
We will be forced to endure these PDS threads for the next two years. I've only participated in a couple of them so far, and they seem to pretty much flow the same way:

1. FReeper posts article that reflects badly on you-know-who. If article does not reflect badly outright, then poster will tell us how the article can be interpreted to reflect badly on you-know-who
2. Poster adds his own comment reflecting his wisdom and insight
3. Palin supporters, and some FReepers who just can't figure out why the hell these guys dislike SP so much - all jump in the fray
4. The posts fly back and forth, some pretty harsh on both sides

But the weird thing is, when reading the ongoing comments of this thread's OP (rabscuttle385) - they are eerily similar in tone and theme to our favorite Palin-basher - pissant! Now I know they are two different people, but it's strange.

Earlier today I engaged with another P-b, mostly over the use of the word "kingmaker" as it was used by a journalist to describe you-know-who. Again, volleying posts for at least a half hour, it was a similar exchange.

It's going to be a long two years.

166 posted on 08/26/2010 10:21:21 PM PDT by floozy22 (BO: Ten pounds of sh*t in a five pound bag.)
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