Makes one wonder what the 'twenty sepcially imported' motorcade Chevrolets are going to have stuffed in the cracks, not to mention the baggage containers...
Makes one wonder what the 'twenty specially imported' motorcade Chevrolets are going to have stuffed in the cracks, not to mention the baggage containers...
I don't think it's money or capital for a couple of reasons.
First, funds are transferred by wire for safety and security. Second, it is much more likely that the Obama's have offshore accounts in which to hide their massive amount of loot (possibly in the hundreds of billions).
As someone late to this terrific thread, I would say this whole affair looks more like Michelle is "warming up the getaway car" and preparing for the Obama post WH hole-up. Barry doesn't need Michelle to deliver a message...the Saudis have tons of agents in DC who can take a message.
This trip to Marbella and the visit with the Saudis is personal.
It occurred to me when watching the Boy Scout's at Jamboree roundly boo Obama's message that Barry and Michelle might be planning an early escape. His time is getting near and he must know it.
Furthermore, from his actions, it is clear now that Obama never planned to be a functional president. In retrospect, he has never even tried to lead the country as a whole. In his short stint, he has shoved the country to the left as much as possibly ( a token nod to his homeys and his mom), he has sided with foreigners against our own citizens (Mexico comes to mind loudest), he has taunted and laughed at America as only someone would if he knew he was going to make an escape when the heat was turned up.
Obama is not concerned with his legacy because he doesn't want one. As a man of the world, he will be content to be the world richest thief. He got elected to the most powerful position in the world and then told G-d D*mn America to go f*ck herself...all the while absconding with enough of a stash to make him one of the richest men in the world.
And to any of you who think he will retire to Kenya...Michelle is currently disabusing us all of that idea.