To: GonzoGOP
In “Brave New World” the children are raised by the state.
26 posted on
07/28/2010 10:50:06 AM PDT by
("There is no more money. Period. We are BROKE." - Lurker 5/21/10)
To: NeoCaveman
In Brave New World the children are raised by the state.
It is the standard of every dictatorship. Get the kids away from their parents and into government brainwashing as fast as possible. Older people look around and see how things have changed, there isn't much you can do about that but keep them scared. But kids don't know how things were unless their parents tell them.
How does a first grader know if you changed the words in the constitution. He's never seen it before. So when they teach him the "New" constitution he believes it is the only one there ever has been. By the time he is 21 and gets out of college he has been seeing that constitution for three quarters of his life. When you try to tell him its different he's going to look at you like some crazy old man cause he learned the "Real" constitution in school.
Look at the food the school lunch programs are serving. Lots of veggies and carbos. Limited protein. Can't serve beef or you offend Hindus, and can't serve pork as it offends Muslims. And you don't want to offend vegans with chicken or eggs. Now they have even banned peanut butter and jelly because or people with peanut allergies. Lack of protein in the diet causes a rapid reduction in cognitive reasoning and makes the person vulnerable to suggestion. It is a standard interrogation technique, and Obama is using it on our kids. With 12 hour days the kids will be eating two meas a day in school. And unless you are a farmer and eat steak and eggs in the morning breakfast is usually a low protein meal.
Given enough time separated from the real world, anyone can be brainwashed. With 12/7/52 education from K-Bachalors that gives Obama and Co 74,256 hours to break the will of your kids. Not much of a challenge when you think about it.
38 posted on
07/28/2010 11:10:58 AM PDT by
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: NeoCaveman
Obama Math Class
oh wait wrong utopia....
59 posted on
07/28/2010 12:09:04 PM PDT by
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